[Geomoose-users] experimenting with Geomoose 3

Dan Little theduckylittle at gmail.com
Thu Oct 26 08:57:15 PDT 2017

1. WRT to Google layers: No, we will not be able to offer Google Maps API
Imagery as a background. There are both legal and technical reasons for
this.  We've been recommending MapBox imagery to folks as a competitive

2. Settings 'status="on"' on a background layer should turn it on.  I
believe there's a bug with the  catalog where the catalog based status
definitions may not be working right now. Go to the <layer> entry in the
<map-source> and set status='on'.

3. We have not implemented the radio button style groups.  They were
actually pretty bug prone in the 2.X series and implementing them again
hasn't been a high priority.

On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 10:43 AM, Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) <
bob.basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us> wrote:

> Hi Brent,
> One way to do it is through the URL.
> The layers are now remembered there ( as well as bbox/scale):
> https://demo.geomoose.org/master/desktop/#on=sketch/
> default;vector-parcels/big-money;pipelines/pipelines;
> parcels/parcels;parcels/parcels_points&loc=38.93151147928233;-10370006.
> 407643707;5550786.452080398
> Jim has done quite a bit of work with setting default settings for
> GeoMoose via Apache as well.  We have a default MapFile set up for example
> that has a set of default layers set to “on”.
> I believe the Google basemapping has been a problem to work with recently
> without a Google Map Key, and it’s been purposely left out of the demo.
> bobb
> On Oct 26, 2017, at 9:35 AM, Brent Fraser <bfraser at geoanalytic.com> wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm experimenting with map backgrounds in 3.0.
> Is it possible to use Google maps as a background?
> Is it possible to use radio buttons instead of check boxes?   I've tried
> using
>     <group title="Backgrounds" expand="true"* multiple="false"*>
> but it doesn't work.
> Can I set a background layer on by default (e.g. status="on")?
> Thanks!
> --
> Best Regards,
> Brent Fraser
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