[GeoNode-users] Missing columns after migrating data from Geonode 2.4 to 2.6

Eric Goddard egoddard1010 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 18 11:10:52 PDT 2017

Thanks Annalisa, I ended up going that route too. I added those
columns and removed the not null constraint on last_login on


On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 2:49 AM, Annalisa Schiavon
<annalisa.schiavon at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Eric,
> on 3 July I found a similar issue: upload_upload table hasn't 4 attribute:
> mosaic_time_regex,
> mosaic_time_value, mosaic_elev_regex and mosaic_elev_value.
> I added those columns and solved my problem.
> Regards,
> Annalisa
> 2017-10-16 16:24 GMT+02:00 Eric Goddard <egoddard1010 at gmail.com>:
>> Hi all,
>> We're trying to upgrade from GeoNode 2.4 to 2.6. I have a new VM with
>> Geonode 2.6 installed on Ubuntu 16.04 from the PPA. I dumped the
>> postgres data from our 2.4 server and created new DBs on the Geonode
>> 2.6 instance and updated settings.py to point to the geonode 2.4
>> geonode and geonode_data DBs.
>> Following the suggestion in this thread
>> (http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/Help-for-migrate-data-from-2-4-to-2-6-td5323208.html),
>> I ran geonode migrate --fake-initial and everything appears to have
>> worked, however if I try to create a new account from the geonode
>> registration page, or delete an existing account from the admin panel
>> I get some errors.
>> Trying to create a new account results in the following error:
>> IntegrityError: null value in column "last_login" violates not-null
>> constraint
>>  Trying to delete an account results in the following error:
>> ProgrammingError: column upload_upload.mosaic_time_regex does not exist
>> It looks like the migration didn't run correctly. If anyone has advice
>> on how fix/work a round this issue it would be greatly appreciated!
>> We'll be reloading the data anyway so our main concern is just
>> migrating the accounts and groups.
>> If it helps, here is the comparison of the geonode 2.4 and 2.6 schemas
>> for the upload_upload table. The mosaic* columns are missing from the
>> 2.4 database that was migrated:
>> geonode 2.4 database (after running migrate):
>> geonode24=# \d upload_upload
>>                                     Table "public.upload_upload"
>>    Column   |           Type           |                         Modifiers
>> ------------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------
>>  id         | integer                  | not null default
>> nextval('upload_upload_id_seq'::regclass)
>>  import_id  | bigint                   |
>>  user_id    | integer                  |
>>  state      | character varying(16)    | not null
>>  date       | timestamp with time zone | not null
>>  layer_id   | integer                  |
>>  upload_dir | character varying(100)   |
>>  name       | character varying(64)    |
>>  complete   | boolean                  | not null
>>  session    | text                     |
>>  metadata   | text                     |
>> Indexes:
>>     "upload_upload_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
>>     "upload_upload_layer_id" btree (layer_id)
>>     "upload_upload_user_id" btree (user_id)
>> Foreign-key constraints:
>>     "upload_upload_layer_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (layer_id) REFERENCES
>> layers_layer(resourcebase_ptr_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED
>>     "upload_upload_user_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES
>> Referenced by:
>>     TABLE "upload_uploadfile" CONSTRAINT
>> "upload_uploadfile_upload_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (upload_id) REFERENCES
>> Geonode 2.6 database (from initial install):
>> geonode=# \d upload_upload
>>                                        Table "public.upload_upload"
>>       Column       |           Type           |
>>  Modifiers
>> -------------------+--------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------
>>  id                | integer                  | not null default
>> nextval('upload_upload_id_seq'::regclass)
>>  import_id         | bigint                   |
>>  state             | character varying(16)    | not null
>>  date              | timestamp with time zone | not null
>>  upload_dir        | character varying(100)   |
>>  name              | character varying(64)    |
>>  complete          | boolean                  | not null
>>  session           | text                     |
>>  metadata          | text                     |
>>  mosaic_time_regex | character varying(128)   |
>>  mosaic_time_value | character varying(128)   |
>>  mosaic_elev_regex | character varying(128)   |
>>  mosaic_elev_value | character varying(128)   |
>>  layer_id          | integer                  |
>>  user_id           | integer                  |
>> Indexes:
>>     "upload_upload_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
>>     "upload_upload_7a39a38c" btree (layer_id)
>>     "upload_upload_e8701ad4" btree (user_id)
>> Foreign-key constraints:
>>     "u_layer_id_6346de911330a880_fk_layers_layer_resourcebase_ptr_id"
>> FOREIGN KEY (layer_id) REFERENCES layers_layer(resourcebase_ptr_id)
>>     "upload_upload_user_id_7fad116c8478bf31_fk_people_profile_id"
>> FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES people_profile(id) DEFERRABLE
>> Referenced by:
>>     TABLE "upload_uploadfile" CONSTRAINT
>> "upload_uploadfil_upload_id_21ef448d17dd4b6b_fk_upload_upload_id"
>> FOREIGN KEY (upload_id) REFERENCES upload_upload(id) DEFERRABLE
>> Thanks!
>> Eric
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