[GRASSLIST:3343] Compilation error in module: src/raster/r.in.gdal (ignored)

DrakeGis drakegis at dacafe.com
Tue May 4 07:13:02 EDT 2004

  I download and compile Grass 5.0.3, and I recieve this message, after
the compilation. here is my error.log

GRASS GIS compilation log
Start of compilation: Tue May  4 05:38:31 EDT 2004
Compilation error in module: src/raster/r.in.gdal (ignored)
End of compilation:   Tue May  4 05:42:01 EDT 2004
DONE generating GRASS GIS binary code

I try with
./configure --with-gdal
./configure --with-gdal='/usr/local/bin/gdal-configure'
./configure --with-gdal='/usr/local/bin'

and the rest of the options (tcltk, etc, etc). But all the three
alternatives generate the same error.log.
I have openev installed and it works. Also, I have libgdal1

# slocate libgdal

The problem is that I need to work with some IMG files and r.in.gdal is
not in grass due to this error.
I also try to use gmake5 in order to compile the module... but I don't
know how to use it. According to the INSTALL file should be a simply
gmake5. I did a gmake5  in /scr/raster/r.in.gdal/ but there are a lot of
errors (I'm attaching gmake5.log, also following the INSTALL

I will really thanks you for the help


PS: I'm using Debian 3 SID, on a notebook Compaq Presario 2175US

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