[GRASS-user] v.clean: recommend tools and sequence

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Fri Jun 29 09:18:44 PDT 2018

On Fri, 29 Jun 2018, Markus Metz wrote:

> After import with v.in.ogr, overlapping parts have a category value set in
> layer 2. If you want to get rid off all overlapping parts, check with
> v.category op=report if any centroids still have a category value in layer
> 2. Sometimes these areas can be cleaned away with v.clean tool=rmarea,
> sometimes manual editing with the vector digitizer is needed.


   I have seen that overlapping parts are assigned cat 2, but did not know
what to do about it.

   The warnings left after importing with v.in.ogr are:

WARNING: Number of incorrect boundaries: 39934
WARNING: Number of centroids outside area: 528
WARNING: Number of duplicate centroids: 107

and I've looked at the v.clean tools (and the wiki page) trying to find the
appropriate ones. I tried 'v.clean -c tool=break type=line' which runs
rmdupl after breaking and rebuilding topology, but v.proj reports the above
warnings. I'll check v.category first, then read the 'See also' references
at the bottom of that wiki page.

Thanks again,


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