[Incubator] Re: incubation project checklist and community involvement

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Sat Dec 3 21:51:54 EST 2011

Cameron I have had some luck untangle the process section. 

The section was confusing as it mixed up tangible work that could be crossed off; with our hopes and goals for what those processes would accomplish.

It could be that we should set up an IRC meeting in our timezone to go over this in Dec.
Jody Garnett

On Saturday, 3 December 2011 at 1:42 PM, Jody Garnett wrote:

> Hi Cameron: 
> Rather than going back and forth on this topic I have had a go at being helpful.
> Please review: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Project_Graduation_Checklist
> I have split out a "Community" section with the following:
> - Board
> - Marketing
> - Projects
> - SAC
> And noted what information each group has requested; with appropriate links for more information. If you would like to add the OSGeo Live project to that list please go ahead.
> Much of this information is already requested by our project status template (example for the board or for SAC). I still figure this section earns its keep as it highlights where that information is going. 
> Please let me know what you think? I expect this is a positive way forward that will keep us from bashing heads :-)
> -- Jody Garnett

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