[Lexicon] Glossary pilot kickoff meeting

Erik Stubkjær est at plan.aau.dk
Sun Aug 23 15:29:48 PDT 2020

Dear Cameron and discussion participants, (sorry, please disregard previous mail and attachment)

Thanks for the opportunity to join. I registered for the timeslot 2.

I belong to the group of 'Standards people and information modellers (associated with ISO standards and the Open Geospatial Consortium)'.
I am professor emeritus (Cadastre and Land Law, Aalborg University, Denmark) and co-author with Doç. Dr.
Volkan ÇAĞDAŞ, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey, of the Cadastre and Land Administration Thesaurus (CaLAThe).

As of December 2019, CaLAThe comprises about 250 terms. Version 4 introduction reads that 'The recording of definitions was supported by the availability of the Geolexica online glossary for geographic information technology from ISO/TC 211 Geographic information/Geomatics, as well as the Bartoc Skosmos tool.' CaLAThe is hosted at the OGC Definitions Server<https://www.opengis.net/def/CaLAThe/4.0/> and at BARTOC<http://bartoc-skosmos.unibas.ch/CaLAThe/en/>, and cross-referenced with LandVoc<https://www.landvoc.org/>.

In the attached note, I motivate that the Project manifesto could reflect more precisely on the input already available, and among others propose that we should suggest that the ISO and the OGC establishes a mandatory review of terms and definitions as part the systematic standard review process.

Looking forward to further exchanges
Best regards
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