[Live-demo] create pdf documentation

Luca Delucchi lucadeluge at gmail.com
Thu Dec 13 15:04:15 PST 2012

Hi everybody

2012/12/13 Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com>:
> Luca,
> Good to see you pushing this pdf generation along.
> I suggest that at this early part of our documentation build cycle, it is ok
> to be a bit experimental and risk breaking the build, so long as you are
> prepared to fix it or roll it back if it breaks.
> So please go ahead a commit your changes. Let us know once you have and I
> will test at that point.

committed with revision 9433. please test it

Now I'm going to take a plane from Japan to Italy so for a while I am
offline. I hope to don't break our documentation :-)



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