graduated color symbols and mapserver

Stephen Lime steve.lime at
Tue Nov 9 10:29:00 EST 1999

One thing to note is the mapserver uses the first match it finds
in a series of class expressions. Your expressions can overlap
but be aware that the first match is used.


Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> <kenboss at> 11/09/99 08:05AM >>>

> I was able to solve this to some extent by using the following expressions.
> I'm not a regex guru, so some of these could sub optimal.
> <Big ole' Kludge>
> Suppose your range of numbers is 0-59 and you want 3 zones
> Some of these expressions overlap, but it looks like the code is written so
> the first matching expression encountered is enforced.
> Zone 1: 2 classes to handle 0-19
> [0-9]      Matches numbers from 0 to 9
> [1-1][0-9] Matches numbers from 10 to 19

If you want to match 0-9, you might try ^[0-9]$ to be on the safe side.  Plain old [0-9] might match any 
number _containing_ 0-9 (I'm not sure just how the mapserver parses these, but that would be the case in 
most regex implementations).

You can get 0-19 with ^[0,1][0-9]$.

Here are some commented examples for situations where the values you want to match are not clean, rounded 
ranges.  The examples all address a 2-digit integer field.

EXPRESSION "^[1-9]$|^[1-7]|81"          # 1-9 or anything that begins with 1-7 or 81
EXPRESSION "^8[2-9]|^9"                 # 82-89 or anything that begins with 9
EXPRESSION "^[1-9]$|^[1-4]|^7[8,9]"     # 1-9 or anything that begins with 1-4 or 78 or 79
EXPRESSION "^[5,6]|^7[1-4]|^81"         # Anything that begins with 5 or 6; 71-74 or 81
EXPRESSION "^7[5-7]"                    # 75-77
EXPRESSION "8[2-9]|9[1-5]"              # 82-89 or 91-95
EXPRESSION "12|78"                      # 12 or 78
EXPRESSION "13"                         # 13
EXPRESSION "^6$"                        # 6
EXPRESSION "71|74|75"                   # 71 or 74 or 75
EXPRESSION "^1[0-9]$"                   # 10-19
EXPRESSION "^[5,6][0-9]$|^7[0-4]"       # 50-74
EXPRESSION "^7[5-9]$|^[8,9][1-9]"       # 75-99
EXPRESSION "^1[0,1][0-9]|^12[0-4]"      # 100-124
EXPRESSION "^12[5-9]|^1[3,4][0-9]"      # 125-149
EXPRESSION "^1[5-9][0-9]|^2[0-9][0-9]"  # 150-299

Have fun!


Ken Boss                                
Digital Image Analysis / Web Stuff      Forestry Resource Assessment
kenboss at         Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources
Voice: 218 327 4449 ext. 237            413 SE 13th Street                    
Fax:   218 327 4517                     Grand Rapids, MN  55744         USA

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