[Mapserver-users] Getting attributes of tiled shapefile data

Joe Bussell joe at otsys.com
Wed Oct 8 14:33:39 EDT 2003

The trick is to use the LOCATION stored in the tile index.  The call I 
use is as follows:
my ( undef, $location ) =
                $dbfTable->get_record( $tile, "LOCATION" );
my $dbfFile = $pm{SHAPEPATH} . "/" . $location . ".dbf";

I include the complete subroutine that I use on my tiled city data for a 


Joe Bussell
On Time Systems

################################### from On Time Systems demo code
# uses a tiled data set
sub getNearestCityName
     my $lat = shift;
     my $lon = shift;

     my $response = "";

     if ( $lat && $lon )
         my $queryPt = new mapscript::pointObj();
         $queryPt->{x} = $lon;
         $queryPt->{y} = $lat;
         my $map = new mapscript::mapObj( $pm{MAPFILE} )
           or croak('Unable to Open Default MapFile!');
         $map->{shapepath} = $pm{SHAPEPATH} . "/";

         my $layerObj = undef;
         $layerObj = $map->getLayerByName('cityCenterIn');
         $layerObj->{status} = $mapscript::MS_ON;
         $layerObj->{type} = $mapscript::MS_LAYER_POINT;
         $layerObj->{tileindex} = $pm{SHAPEPATH} . "/td_sm.shp";
         if( $layerObj->queryByPoint( $map, $queryPt,
	         $mapscript::MS_SINGLE, 0 ) )
             $response .= "";
             my $results = $layerObj->{resultcache};
             my $num_results = $results->{numresults};
             my $rslt = $layerObj->getResult(0);

             my $tile = $rslt->{tileindex};
             # $response .= "<BR>\nFound tileindex at: $tile.<br>\n";
             my $dbfFileName = $pm{SHAPEPATH} . "/td_sm.dbf";

             my $fn = "";
             if ( $dbfFileName =~ /(.*)/ )   # this is not real taint 	
					    # checking.  You should
                                             # use a real regex
                 $fn = $1;
             my $dbfTable = new XBase("name" => $fn  )
                or croak "Cannot open dbfFile $fn $!\n";
             my ( undef, $location ) =
                $dbfTable->get_record( $tile, "LOCATION" );

             my $record = $rslt->{shapeindex};
             # $response .= "<BR>\nFound point at: $record.<br>\n";

             my $dbfFile = $pm{SHAPEPATH} . "/" . $location . ".dbf";

             if ( $dbfFile =~ /(.*)/ )       # this is not real taint 	
					    # checking.  You should
                                             # use a real regex
                 $fn = $1;

             my $dbfT= new XBase("name" => $fn  )
                or croak "Cannot open dbfFile $fn $!\n";
             my ( $deleted, $name )
                = $dbfT->get_record( $record, "NAME" );

             $response .= "\n<BR>Nearest City: $name<BR>\n";

         undef $map;

     return $response;

Sean Gillies wrote:
> I'm using a layer with tiled shapefile data in a MapScript app.  When using
> the query* methods I get set of results and each result has tileindex and
> shapeindex attributes so that I can get get the appropriate shape from
> the shapefile.
> However, how about the shape attributes?  With untiled data in one 
> shapefile,
> I'd just get the appropriate record from the single dbf file using dbflib
> (Python) or XBase (Perl).  But now that the attributes are spread across
> N dbf files, I'm at a loss on which dbf file and which record given the
> pair of tileindex and shapeindex.
> Perhaps it's possible to access the result.tileindex (or tileindex-1) 
> record of
> the layer's tileindex dbf file to find the appropriate shapefile and then
> get the result.shapeindex record from that shapefile's dbf?  I'd be 
> grateful
> to hear about a less convoluted way!
> cheers,
> Sean
> -- 
> Sean Gillies
> sgillies at frii dot com
> http://www.frii.com/~sgillies
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