mapscript - php equivalent of symbolSetObj ?

oliver oliver.christen at CAMPTOCAMP.COM
Wed Nov 23 06:00:07 EST 2005

After having toyed with the available functions of php/mapscript, i seem to
have found a way to create icon on-the-fly from the symbol file.
Im pasting here the code so it may help other people.
If you think you know a better way to do it, let me know, im always
interessed :)

// $msMapObj is a valid mapObj
$newLayer = ms_newLayerObj($msMapObj); // create new layer
$newLayer->set('type', 0); // set layer type, important, cause error if not
$newClass = ms_newClassObj($newLayer); // create new classe
$newStyle = ms_newStyleObj($newClass); // create new style
$newStyle->color->setRGB(255,0,0); // important, display white on white
$newStyle->set('size', 30); // important, size 0 for a symbol point will
display nothing

// loop through all the symbols in the symbol file
for($ii=0; $ii<$msMapObj->getNumSymbols(); $ii++) {
    $symbolName = $msMapObj->getSymbolObjectById($ii)->name;
    $newStyle->set('symbolname', $symbolName);

    $newIcon = $newClass->createLegendIcon(30,30);
    $iconPath =
    $check = $newIcon->saveImage($iconPath);
    $newIcon->free(); // free resources
    // if the icons are not created, check if the script has the writing
right in the target folder

// remove the layer, is this really working ???
$newLayer->set("status", MS_DELETE);

> It seems i asked my question too quickly.
> By using getNumSymbols() in a loop with getSymbolObjectById i was able to
> get all the symbols properties.
> But now, how do i create images off these symbols (php equivalent to the
> SWIGMapScript function getImage()) ?
> Thank you very much in advance for any info.
> Oliver
> > Hi,
> >
> > Im currently trying to recover the list of symbols of a symbol file via
> > php/mapscript but i cant find any way to do so.
> > I noticed in the SWIGMapScript references the presence of an object:
> > symbolSetObj, and i wondered what was the equivalent in php?
> >
> > Thank you very much in advance for any info.
> >
> > Regards
> > Oliver
> >

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