Problem with the mailinglist

Christian Wilmes C.Wilmes at GMX.DE
Fri Jun 9 05:20:19 EDT 2006

Hi all,

I've got some problems with this mailinglist. If I sent a mail to the list it takes hours or even days until it is in the list. If I try to sent a mail directly from the mailinglist homepage, after a few seconds I get the following mail:
Rejected posting to MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU

Your message  is being returned to  you unprocessed because it  appears to have already been distributed  to the MAPSERVER-USERS list. That is,  a message with identical text  (but possibly with different  mail headers) has been  posted to the list  recently, either by  you or  by someone else.  If you have  reason to resend this message to the list (for instance because you have been notified of a hardware failure with loss of data),  please alter the text of the message in some way and resend  it to the list. Note that altering  the "Subject:" line or adding blank lines at  the top or bottom of the message  is not sufficient; you should  instead add  a  sentence or  two  at  the top  explaining  why you  are
resending the  message, so that the  other subscribers understand why  they are getting two copies of the same message.

Because of these things it happens in the last time, that I was sending a mail more than one time, sorry for that!

I hope someone who is responsible for the mailinglist will read this mail and is probatly able to help me.

This mail for example I will send at on Friday 08.06.2006 at 11:20am German time....wonder how long it will take this time until the mail is in the list.

Best Regards

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