extra spatial filter for OVF source

Huub Fleuren hfl at HOME.NL
Wed Mar 22 05:42:48 EST 2006

Hi List


I was hoping that i could put an extra spatial filter (a polygon : find 
all point within the polygon) to the following OVF source

Is it possible?

Thanks in advance

<OGRVRTLayer name='wwal'>
    <SrcDataSource>ODBC:admin/admin at anwb</SrcDataSource>
        <SrcSQL>SELECT k.kp_nr as kp_nr,k.x as x, k.y as y, 
w.wegbeheerdercode as wegbeheerdercode, w.onderhoudsinstantiecode as 
onderhoudsinstantiecode FROM wwall w, kpxy k WHERE NOT (k.soort LIKE 
'D') and (w.x &gt; 190000) and (w.x &lt; 200000) and (w.y &gt; 500000) 
and (w.y &lt; 520000) and (w.kruispuntnummer = k.kp_nr)</SrcSQL>
    <GeometryField encoding='PointFromColumns' x='x' y='y'/>

Regards, Huub

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