question about WFS

John B. Churchill jchurchill at AL.UMCES.EDU
Mon Aug 6 11:31:26 EDT 2007


	One of the things I wanted to be able to do with the Mapserver WFS 
server that I've set up is allow people to add individual layers into 
their GIS software that they can then save (e.g. ArcMap "Data Export"). 
  I've been unable to make that happen.  My (test) WFS Server at allows me to add the one layer that 
I've made available but I can't "export" the shapefile from a remote 
location using my WFS server.  It looks the same as it does when served 
as WMS.

Can someone simply confirm (or deny) for me that this can or cannot be 
done with Mapserver ?

I found a note on the Mapserver documentation which says that WFS-T is 
not supported by Mapserver.  I suppose what I'm describing is something 
that requires a "transaction" and that I won't be able to do this with 
Mapserver.  I don't have the in-"ter"-operability extension available 
for my ArcGIS installation either so I contemplated whether this was 
part of the problem.  Adding as an Interoperability Connection makes my 
layer show up as NoGeometry.

John B. Churchill, M.S.
GIS Specialist				(301) 689-7109

University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
Appalachian Laboratory
Environmental Science Education

301 Braddock Road			
Frostburg, MD 21532			
FAX - (301) 689-7200			

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