Required/Optional Parameters of a GetMap-Request

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM
Sat Jan 20 13:25:57 EST 2007

Kai Behncke wrote:
> What I don`t understand:
> In the WMS Implementation Specification (page 33)
> it is written, that for example parameters like width, height, format,
> bounding_box, srs are required (and not optional).
> In my GetMap-Request I have not set them.
> Why do I anymay get a map?

That's because MapServer is not very strict on requiring those 
parameters and when they are not specified then it uses some default 
values from the mapfile. If you are implementing a client then you 
should not rely on those default values and should always provide all 
the 'required' parameters.

Daniel Morissette

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