Compiling Java MapScript on Mac OS X

Z Kissane zkissane at SBCGLOBAL.NET
Mon Oct 22 16:15:14 EDT 2007

William Kyngesburye wrote:
>$(LD) -fpic -dynamiclib -single_module
mapscript_wrap.o -o $(LDFLAGS)

Thanks!  That worked.

>BUT, I've done this, and java mapscript doesn't work
(I forget the error).  I don't have time (or much
interest) to fiddle with java mapscript.  If you want
to look into this you should file bug reports for any
problems you find.

Hm...I haven't tested it in anger yet, but I have been
able to write a pretty simple servlet in Tomcat that,
given the right URL parameters, will draw a map
according to my mapfile.  The JVM spews out a ton of
warnings about a non-aligned pointer being freed, but
it draws the image.

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