[mapserver-users] One table with multiple GeometryColumns

Jiří Kadlec jirikadlec2 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 27 02:28:32 PST 2014

Dear mapserver forum,

In my PostGIS database I have a table 'lakes' with 3 geometry columns:
the_geom4326, the_geom3857, the_geom3067
My goal is to make my 'lakes' layer available in the 3 different
projections: (EPSG:4326, EPSG:3857, EPSG:3067)

Is this possible in MapServer?

(then only way I managed so far is to serve the table as 3 different
layers, first layer in EPSG:4326, second layer in EPSG:3857, third layer in

Thanks a lot for help,
Jiří Kadlec
Research Assistant
Aalto university
Lahti, Finland
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