[Journal] Editing access to journal.osgeo.org OJS instance

Christian Willmes c.willmes at uni-koeln.de
Fri Aug 22 01:58:26 PDT 2014


Am 22.08.2014 um 00:31 schrieb Eli Adam:
>     I futher propose to disable the public user registration on the OJS,
>     because we have about 10 spam account sign ups a day. The userdatabase
>     has already >30,000 entries.
> I like this idea, especially if we responsively and promptly approve and
> add new users upon request.  Generally I know that there are some people
> in open communities (wikipedia, OSGeo, others) vehemently opposed to
> restricting barrier free access, they have some good arguments too.  It
> just seems like the only manageable way to me. 

Yes responsively taking care for registration request is mandatory, we
are now some people who can take care of those requests. Basically
anyone who asks for an account can get one, if it is proven he/she is
human (maybe even really clever AI's). :)
But in which case do you need an account for the OJS? I think, only if
you want to submit a paper, or if you are invited to review a paper. For
the first case, we just should provide a web form, or simply an email
address for submission/registration requests, after approving the
request, accounts would be provided. Reviewers would be invited by the
editor anyway, so he could take care of the registration then.
I am all for openness and free access! But I would be interested in
hearing arguments for an open self-registration in the OJS. I can't see
any case for the journal right now, where someone is prevented from
contributing or access to content of the journal, if self-registration
would be closed on the website?


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