[OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers Google Map resolution Issue

AJ R ajayr.email at gmail.com
Tue Dec 30 12:45:33 EST 2008


I am trying to do an interesting thing.

I have couple of user defined WMS layers (in EPSG 32616)  which have a
set of resolutions not matching the Google Resolutions. I was trying
to modify the Google layer to match the resolution set that I have (I
had to tweak the OpenLayers code for this). The Google Layer was able
to get me the right zoom for the resolution, but when doing the
calculateBounds() in the Map object, the WMS layer extent (of course
they have been reprojected to 900913) are slightly skewed i.e. does
not match the bounding box extent in my Context document.

I found the reason for this and that is the way calculateBounds()
tries to find the extent from the center, which skews the extent a
little bit as compared to the default extent. Does anyone have any
idea why this happens. Does this mean that we cannot change the
default resolution set for the google / yahoo maps?

Any information would be helpful

Thanks & regards

Ajay Ravichandran

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