[OpenLayers-Users] Edit a "freehand polygon"

Eric Lemoine eric.c2c at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 15:05:14 EST 2008

On Feb 11, 2008 12:23 PM, Swärd Mårten <marten.sward at smhi.se> wrote:
> Hello!


> I need some functionality that makes it possible to edit the points in a
> freehand drawn polygon. I know that it's tecnicaly possible to do this but
> in real life the edit function, as I know it, is very time counsuming to use
> due to the many points that has to be modified. The two questions that I
> have are as follows:
> A) Is it possible to change the edit function so that when you edit one
> point the naigbor points follows.. And so to say smoothen the curve of the
> edited point relative to the rest of the points..


> B) If the answer is a big NO on A. =) Is it possible to reduce the number of
> points that is drawn when using the freehand mode?

Not that I'm aware of.

> B II) Or is it possible to reduce the number of points on a polygon after
> you have drawn it?

No. You'll need to implement this yourself.

OpenLayers is mapping library, not a drawing tool, which partly
explains its "lack" of functionality in this regard,



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