[pdal] Reading and Writing outside of a stage

Jason Beverage jasonbeverage at gmail.com
Tue Jul 18 08:46:28 PDT 2017

Hey Andrew,

That's exactly what I want to do, and I think it could work, but some of
the methods I want to get to are private in PDAL so I can't get to them.
Basically something this is what I'm after:

class SplitWriter : public Writer


Writer* getWriter(PointRef& point)
// Return the correct writer for the point based on location.

virtual bool processOne(PointRef& point)
// Get the appropriate writer.
Writer* writer = getWriter(point);
return true;

My process one function is called, but I can't forward the point to an
internal writer b/c processOne is private.

Your idea about either tagging the points or having the splitter do the
writing itself is fine, but I don't see a way to use a class like the
LASWriter directly since almost every method is private.

Just making those protected or public would actually probably solve the


On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 10:40 AM Jason Beverage <jasonbeverage at gmail.com>

> Hey Andrew!
> Thanks for getting back to me.  I think part of the issue is that I don't
> quite understand how to convert my current cursor based LASTools code to a
> streaming Stage based system.
> I've attached an image of what I'm trying to do.
> Basically I want to have a reader that can stream a bunch of points in,
> then a splitter stage that determines which of 9 potential writers to add
> the point to based on the location of the point and some other criteria,
> but I want to do it all without storing all of the points in memory.
> The existing ChipperFilter is similar to what I want to do, but it doesn't
> appear to support streaming.  It looks like it does the partitioning in
> memory and then returns a PointViewSet with all of the outputs.
> Jason
> On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 10:18 AM Andrew Bell <andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 10:29 PM, Jason Beverage <jasonbeverage at gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm new to PDAL and I'm currently porting an existing point cloud tookit
>>> we have at Pelican Mapping to use PDAL instead of LASTools and I had a
>>> couple of questions.
>>> Our toolkit is similar to Entwine in that it takes a large number of
>>> input points from LAS/LAZ files and chops them up into tiled LAZ files with
>>> the goal of displaying them in OpenSceneGraph and osgEarth based
>>> applications.
>>> Since we're dealing with a huge number of points, I'm making heavy use
>>> of streaming so I can avoid keeping the entire dataset in memory.
>>> For reading, I found the StreamCallbackFilter so I can intercept the
>>> points coming from a stage and process them one by one as I was doing
>>> before, so I think that will work for my case.
>>> For writing however, I'm running into a bit of snag probably due to my
>>> lack of understanding of the streaming API.
>>> We basically have an algorithm that does something like this:
>>> for each point in all the input points:
>>>     // Figure out which output file to write the point to based on it's
>>> location.
>>>     Writer* writer = getWriter(point);
>>>     writer->writePoint(writer);
>>> So we create a bunch of output writers (using LASTools) based on an
>>> octree split, and for each point we determine which writer to write to and
>>> write the incoming point to the appropriate output file.
>>> Is there a simple way to write points interactively to a Writer?  It
>>> seems like if the write functions of Writer were public that it would be
>>> fairly easy to implement something like that.
>> I'm not sure I understand exactly.  You can create your own stage that
>> implements processOne() and do anything you like in it.  There is nothing
>> particularly special about a writer.  It's just a stage.  There's no reason
>> you can't chain a bunch of StreamCallbackFilters together if that's helpful
>> -- the first one could do whatever you're doing now, the second one could
>> do the writing you want to do.  Or they could be combined.
>> Is part of what you are wanting is to use PDAL's LAS writer instead of
>> LAStools?
>> --
>> Andrew Bell
>> andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com
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