[postgis-devel] Documentation layout change possible?

Kevin Neufeld kneufeld at refractions.net
Tue Nov 3 08:57:19 PST 2009

That's a good question.  The current template follows this outline: 
http://www.docbook.org/tdg/en/html/refentry.html.  We've been using 
Docbook v4.3, and so were confined to funcsynopsis.  But if we upgrade 
to version 5, maybe we could use methodsynopsis or something else.  Or 
perhaps funcsynopsis in version 5 
(http://www.docbook.org/tdg5/en/html/refentry.html) has better parameter 
support for our type of outline.  Clearly some research is in order.  If 
anyone has other ideas/suggestions, we're all ears.

-- Kevin

Paragon Corporation wrote:
> This is more of a question for Kevin,
> Is it possible to change our document template so we can have a description
> tag in each function proto tag.  Some of our protos are extensive now so its
> hard to stuff all these in a single description field without causing a lot
> of confusion.  The addition of geography isn't helping the situation.
> The main benefit I see aside from putting description next to the relevant
> function proto
> http://www.postgis.org/documentation/manual-svn/ST_AsGeoJSON.html
> Is that our psql help will then have a bit more relevant text for the
> functions.  
> Now it has
> arg1,arg2,arg3 :  function short descrip
> (where the arg1,arg2,arg3 currently comes from the function proto
> parameters)
> New model would be
> arg1, arg2,arg3: function short descrip. function proto description
> Thanks,
> Regina
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