[PROJ] Pitching the proj project to Google's Geo team

Lesparre, Jochem Jochem.Lesparre at kadaster.nl
Mon Aug 22 08:05:13 PDT 2022

I support:

  *   Cameron’s own suggestion on supporting time-dependent transformations,
  *   Kristian’s suggestion to stop using webmercator, and
  *   Greg’s suggestion to stop using WGS84 (EPSG:4326).

I would like to add to:

  *   Start promoting the use of an application-independent way to link to a location like geo:37.786971,-122.399677;u=35 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geo_URI_scheme) by the general public instead of their own links like https://www.google.com/maps/@37.786971,-122.399677,14z or https://www.google.com/maps/search/37.786971,-122.399677
  *   Support other CRSs using EPSG and PROJ


From: PROJ <proj-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> On Behalf Of Kristian Evers
Sent: maandag 22 augustus 2022 15:30
To: Luí­s Moreira de Sousa <luis.de.sousa at protonmail.ch>
Cc: Cameron Shorter via PROJ <proj at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [PROJ] Pitching the proj project to Google's Geo team

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From my view point, a major contribution Google could have to the FOSS4G world would be to put the Mercator projection to rest once and for all. They are largely responsible for reviving it, when it is now wholly outdated. Instead of triggering a new wave of innovation in geography, web mapping technologies pioneered by Google in fact propelled a regression of several centuries in global mapping.

I think hydrographic offices across the world would like to have a word with

you on the relevance of the Mercator projection. But the abomination that is

the Webmercator shouldn't have made its entrance in the first place. We have

Google to thank for that but had they not been first movers with Google Earth/Maps

someone else is likely to have made a similar thing. The actual implementation

isn't particularly great from a geodetic stand-point but it does solve the problem

of displaying a global map in a sensible way. The most recent incarnation of

Google Maps uses a globe when zooming out far enough and that technology

would be great to see shared with the rest of the community. PROJ can certainly

play a role in that but I think OpenLayers and similar projects have a larger role in


I don't know if the broader community is aware of it but we do have a lot of

contributions from Google already. Both in terms of actual code from Kurt Schwehr

(possibly others, too) as well as the OSS-Fuzz testing facility. Of course more is always

welcome :-)


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