[PROJ] Area of usage (short) name

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.com
Fri Jul 21 08:46:18 PDT 2023

Le 19/07/2023 à 00:02, Even Rouault a écrit :
> So basically the object model of osgeo::proj::metadata::Extent should 
> likely be extended with a shortName() getter (the corresponding GeoAPI 
> class that serves as the inspiration, 
> http://www.geoapi.org/3.0/javadoc/org.opengis.geoapi/org/opengis/metadata/extent/Extent.html, 
> has a single getDescription()), a C binding to get it (likely 
> proj_get_area_of_use_ex2()), and 
> AuthorityFactory::Private::createPropertiesSearchUsages() be modified 
> to populate it.

Alternatively if the short area name can be seen as an identifier, then 
in ISO 19115 model it can be a GeographicDescription. That description 
can then be included among the values returned by 

Note: EPSG defines domain of validity not only by bounding boxes or by 
names, but also by polygons stored as Shapefile. The latter could be 
returned by BoundingPolygon in ISO 19115 model. Said otherwise, 
Extent.getGeographicElements() allows to specify an area of validity in 
different ways:

  * By identifier
  * By bounding box
  * By bounding polygon

Those 3 ways can be made available together.


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