[Qgis-community-team] more latex questions

Thomas Becker thomasgeo at gmx.de
Wed Jun 4 08:05:55 EDT 2008

Hi Tara,

I would like to get my hands on the sources for the documentation.
Is there a way to download the LaTeX sources including figures and the 
appropriate *.bib files.

My first guess according the undefined citations is a missing Bibtex run.

It would also help to add:


add the beginning of your document (even before \documentclass). This 
would list all the packages and there used version at the end of the log 

Thanks, Thomas

btw: You do not have to install the whole MikTeX. What I did while 
working on Windows was just a minimal installation and set the 
installation of packages to auto. MikTeX has a well maintained package 
repository and as soon as it realize a package is missing it looks at 
the repository to find it and to install it on the fly or after you 
granted permission.

Tara Athan schrieb:
> After installing the complete MikTex package (12 hour download, >1GB 
> installed #$@&!!!) I managed to use TexMaker to compile the manual, sort 
> of.
> It shows 110 errors, mostly missing graphics, and a total of 295 errors, 
> warnings, badboxes, etc.
> It is full of undefined citations.
> I have attached the log file, if anyone with more experience with the 
> manual, latex, TexMaker, ... would like to look at it and advise me.
> Thanks, Tara
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Thomas Becker
Working Group: Ecosystem Dynamic
Institute for Botany and Landscape Ecology
University Greifswald Grimmer Strasse 88 D - 17487 Greifswald, Germany
Tel: +49 (0)3834-864141
Fax: +49 (0)3834-864096

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