[Qgis-community-team] Developer/contributor requirements

Gary Sherman sherman at mrcc.com
Tue May 20 00:56:19 EDT 2008

Developers and contributors:

As part of the incubation process for OSGeo we formalized our  
procedures for developers with commit access and for contributors who  
submit patches.

Please take a look at:


Part of the process requires all contributors to send an email to the  
qgis-developer mailing list indicating concurrence. The email serves  
to document that you have read and understand the requirements,  
particularly with regard to the GPL and keeping QGIS free from  
trademark or patent infringement.

I'm asking all developers, regardless of how long you have been with  
the project to send an email to the list at your earliest convenience.  
There have been several requests from new team members (release and  
community) requesting subversion access so this is a good time to  
implement this policy.

If you have requested subversion access (regardless of the repository)  
you will need to post your agreement as stated above before access  
will be granted.

I appreciate you taking the time to do this and thanks for all your  
hard work on QGIS!


Gary Sherman
Chair, QGIS Project Steering Committee
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