[Qgis-community-team] Missing the best download page in FOSS4G history

Delaz J delazj at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 23:14:45 PDT 2022


Jeff, you are right. When you downloaded, there used to be a popping 
dialog inviting you to contribute or something like that (TBH I 
personally did not read it anymore, but at least it showed people that 
it's not just about clicking and downloading a software). That dialog 
doesn't open anymore, and I'm not also aware of a discussion about 
removing it. I didn't see it in online official channels but maybe was 
it discussed during an in-person meeting, in Firenze? Or just an 
unnoticed side effect?


Le mer. 2 nov. 2022 à 14:09, Jeff McKenna 
<jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com> a écrit :

    (I mean to send this feedback to those who manage the QGIS website, and
    not to start a disagreement on who prefers what.  I simply want to
    my feelings direct with the website team)

    I truly feel that the uniqueness and feeling that we all got, when
    clicking 'download' on qgis.org <http://qgis.org> and then seeing
    the smiling faces of
    those attending the first QGIS Users Conference, in Nødebo, as I
    the download to complete, was very special.

    I download hundreds, thousands, millions of software, since I started
    this FOSS4G game, back in 2000, but I can honestly say that the QGIS
    website popping up the first users conference group photo after you
    download the software, was one of a kind.

    I noticed in the past few months some tickets on "simplify download
    page" in the 'QGIS-Website' repository, but I don't see where this
    change was made exactly.

    Was that made on purpose?  Did I miss this discussion here possibly?
    Was the person making that change aware how special that feature is, in
    the global FOSS4G community?

    Well sometimes feedback is needed, so please send along my feedback,
    that that little download magic, was very special, and I wish it to be

    That's my wish :)

    Likely this message is discarded, but I purposely sent this message
    to a
    low traffic list, to not cause troubles for the maintainers. So,
    discarding is fine too.

    However, that small users conference image appearing as I download
    gave me a nice warm feeling about being a part of the FOSS4G community.

    Ok, thanks for listening,

    FOSS4G co-founder

    Qgis-community-team mailing list for organizing community resources
    such as documentation, translation etc..
    Qgis-community-team at lists.osgeo.org
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