[Qgis-developer] QGIS 3 master available in OSGeo4W! Youhou....

gordon at shieldaig.com gordon at shieldaig.com
Mon Feb 6 08:48:53 PST 2017

That is wonderful news for the Windows version.

In case I missed something, my understanding is that qgis-dev (2.99) 
builds and works on Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit, running Qt 5.5, Grass 7, Python 
3.5, etc..  But doesn't build on Ubuntu 16.10 which uses Qt 5.6.  And 
most certainly doesn't build with Qt 5.8 or 5.7 even without Qt Webkit 
and WebkitWidgets.  The Qt Webkit and Q WebkitWidgets are available for 
Ubuntu but one of the requirements is an upgrade of "icu" to 
"icu4c-58_2".  Has anyone installed all that and tried it?  Knows what 
changes are required?  Possibly the build requires a lower version of 
g++ from 6.3 but I tried g++-5 and that made no difference and making 
too many changes to Qt header files seemed risky.


On 2017-02-06 06:20, DelazJ wrote:
> Hi all,
> My daily update of osgeo4w installed today qgis-dev (2.99), meaning
> that qgis 3 dev can now be easily installed (and tested?) on Windows.
> Wonderful!
> Big thanks to you, Jüergen
> Regards,
> Harrissou
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