[QGIS-Developer] CRS for GeoJson Data

C Hamilton adenaculture at gmail.com
Wed Nov 22 09:44:34 PST 2017

I am trying to parse a geojson string using the following:

                codec = QTextCodec.codecForName("UTF-8")
                fields = QgsJSONUtils.stringToFields(jsonstring, codec)
                features = QgsJSONUtils.stringToFeatureList(jsonstring,
fields, codec)

>From this I can get all the features in the string, but it does not appear
that any of the QgsJSONUtils code takes into account the CRS of the data. A
lot of the geojson data does not include the CRS, but it can.

How do I parse geojson data such that I know what the crs is of the feature
geometry? Are there other routines in QGIS that does this other than


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