[QGIS-Developer] QGIS & PROJ 6 & SAGA

Giovanni Manghi giovanni.manghi at gmail.com
Tue Dec 3 04:07:07 PST 2019


> Not to forget, that SAGA GIS evolves very fast. There are several new,
> modern algorithms from version to version in the codebase. Normally,
> these new algorithms work as expected out of the box (within SAGA GIS).
> If not, the small core team find a solution within hours, at least
> within a few days.

yes of course, but this has proven to be very hard for us to keep this
pace within QGIS, especially when in SAGA fundamental modules like
io_gdal change parameters names without keeping retro-compability with
previous releases. Also modules change name frequently from one
release to another (as also their parameters). This is the main reason
we decided to stop trying support every latest release and so stick
with the LTR one.

Said that if the "official" way to support SAGA would be a plugin it
would be much easier to implement and distribute/update such changes.


-- G --

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