[QGIS-Developer] Building QGIS with Visual Studio 2019 CE and vcpkg

Uhrig, Stefan stefan.uhrig at sap.com
Tue Mar 2 02:52:53 PST 2021

Hi Benjamin,

I could reproduce the build issues with the current QGIS head. The easiest workaround I found was defining _HAS_AUTO_PTR_ETC globally. This will solve both the libspatialindex and exiv2 issue.

I defined _HAS_AUTO_PTR_ETC globally in the Visual Studio CMake Settings by checking “Show Advanced Variables” and adding /D_HAS_AUTO_PTR_ETC to CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS.

Something similar is currently done locally for exiv2 and Clang: https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/blob/c6699b28b20ede3f9a6627ae300a670f28312a83/src/analysis/CMakeLists.txt#L449

When I have some spare time, I’ll try to get libspatialindex 1.9.3 to vcpkg. The exiv2 issue will only be resolved with 0.28, and that’s not released yet.

Best regards,

From: Benjamin Jakimow <benjamin.jakimow at geo.hu-berlin.de>
Sent: Tuesday, March 2, 2021 6:59 AM
To: Uhrig, Stefan <stefan.uhrig at sap.com>
Cc: qgis-developer <qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [QGIS-Developer] Building QGIS with Visual Studio 2019 CE and vcpkg

Hello Stefan.

in my local repo I updated libspatialindex\portfile.cmake to 1.9.3 by

    REPO libspatialindex/libspatialindex
    REF 1.9.3
    SHA512 d4c608abbd631dc163b7b4fb6bf09dee3e85ce692a5f8875d51f05a26e09c75cd17dff1ed9d2c232a071f0f5864d21d877b4cbc252f3416896db24dfa3fa18cb
    HEAD_REF master

and removed the older patchfile.

However, in the end I had to give up, because MSVC did not compile Exiv2 with C++17.

Best regards,

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