[QGIS-Developer] consultation regarding the using the qgis platform

Maayan Grinshtat | CyberGymIEC maayang at cybergym.com
Sun Jun 4 06:47:51 PDT 2023


If this is the wrong list or the wrong question, please let me know.

I am looking for a platform to display many points and polylines on map with lang and long that will be read from SQL management .
Also, I need for each point open a popup that will display information from the db. with ability to update this information, update the db., and render the map every 3 sec .

I use the qgis desktop v3.28.6 to build server but when I upload the server using Apache the map display as image and I can't click on the point to open the popup.
I will be glad to know if it's possible to do my description with the QGIS-SERVER VERSION 3.28.6 and qwc2 .


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