[Qgis-user] QGIS slower on new, faster Linux machine

O mondifero at gmail.com
Wed Aug 17 08:27:53 PDT 2011

Hi everyone,

I was formerly using a machine with 12 GB regular RAM, 8 cores but
slower processor, NVIDIA graphics card with 512 MB VRAM, and
qgis was *fast*.  This was under Ubuntu.

Now, on a Debian-installed machine with a much faster processor and
18 GB RAM, 8 cores, ATI graphics card (HD 5770) with just
256 MB VRAM, the refresh is very slow for even modestly-sized datasets.
The "I'm thinking" icon is displayed while it's taking time to think and
refresh as I zoom in and out or turn layers on and off.

Yes, the video drivers are correctly installed -- i'm *completely* sure
*that*, and yes, I am using the (wince) proprietary driver after the free
did not measure up.

Does anyone have advice about how to speed up QGIS?  Is it reasonable
to expect that it's the difference in VRAM causing this issue?

Any advice would be most welcome.


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