[Qgis-user] Missing data if importing OSM-Data

Andre Joost andre+joost at nurfuerspam.de
Fri Jan 17 07:25:25 PST 2014

Am 17.01.2014 13:33, schrieb DNZombie:
> Hi,
> I am using QGIS 2.01 Desktop on Windows 8.1 64bit and would like to produce
> Openstreetmap-shapefiles to use them in TileMill. I'm using the 3
> Openstreetmap-functions in the Vector->Openstreetmap-menu. But when I'm
> displaying the data in QGIS (export topology to spatialite), there are some
> elements missing, i.e. streets. I only found this concerning my Problem, but
> since the osm-plugin is now integrated in QGIS, it doesn't help:

I got similar issues. The problem has nothing to do with

The plugin makes an Overpass API call for the data. Ways that have 
points outside the bounding box might get lost because the coordinates 
of those outside nodes are not imported. If possible, load the data via 
JOSM (which always loads all points of the ways), and start with the 
second function of the plugin.

Apart from that, I doubt whether relations are imported the same way as 
osm2pgsql converts them to polygons or ways.

André Joost

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