[Qgis-user] zoomtopoint.py

Vincent Schut schut at sarvision.nl
Tue Sep 2 23:38:14 PDT 2014

On 09/02/2014 09:41 AM, Jukka Rahkonen wrote:
> Vincent Schut <schut at ...> writes:
>> Hi Mike,
>> I'm not familiar with this zoomtopoint.py, however, your coordinates do
>> not seem to match your projection. EPSG 4326 is geographic lon, lat in
>> degrees, so its range is from -180 to 180 (x) and -90 to 90 (y). The
>> numbers you put as X and Y seem more appropriate for a meters based
>> projection. Maybe try some real coordinates in degrees, or change your
>> projection...
> You can familiarize yourself with the script by reading the link
> http://www.qgis.nl/2014/07/10/qgis-processing-scripts-gebruiken/?lang=en
> that was a little bit farther in the question.

Right, I just did, and I think my original comment still holds... :-)
The script will zoom to the point which you give in the specified 
projection, in this case epsg:4326 which is geographic lat/lon in 
degrees. It then transforms this coordinate to the crs of the canvas and 
zooms to there. So you'll need to give your x and y in valid coordinates 
for the projection you specify, in this case epsg:4326, so between -180 
and 180 and -90 and 90.

> -Jukka Rahkonen-
>> Best regards,
>> Vincent.
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