[Qgis-user] Qgis web client php search

Pam Gmail kckronyx at gmail.com
Fri Sep 12 01:25:22 PDT 2014

I have the web client set up on Mac OS Mavericks with QGIS server 2.4 and PostgreSQL 9.3. I have upgraded PHP to 5.5.16 and Apache is 2.4.10
I have a Postgis layer and a OSM Baselayer. The Simple WMS search works fine but the PHP search doesn't zoom to the correct location after clicking on one of the search results. It appears to centre on the OSM map west of Africa. I have checked the process and search_geom.php is finding the correct coordinate returning it as POINT (long lat), but these don't appear to be passed to the next stage for some reason. I have tried both SELECT options in the search.php file with the same result. 

Any help would be much appreciated.


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