[Qgis-user] Ensuring layout export to be complete?

Johannes Kröger (WhereGroup) johannes.kroeger at wheregroup.com
Mon Sep 11 06:07:45 PDT 2023


I have a Atlas layout with external, remote layers (WMS, XYZ, etc).

If there is no network connection or intermediate errors, those layers 
will not get added to the exported "print" files.

This is not communicated in any "fatal" way so the user (or a script) 
might not notice the incomplete, errorneous output.

I see errors being logged to the network and WMS tabs of QGIS' protocol 
but is there an option to force QGIS to halt with an error if any data 
could not be fetched? Are there signals to catch that via Python? For 
QgsVectorLayer there is the raiseError signal but for raster layers I 
could not find anything.

A hacky workaround could be to listen on the log and check for known 
error messages but that would be super finicky. Especially so since 
those are localized strings.

Cheers, Hannes

Johannes Kröger / GIS-Entwickler/-Berater

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