[Ubuntu] gdal 1.9 with FileGDB API

Alan Boudreault aboudreault at mapgears.com
Tue Jun 19 04:40:57 PDT 2012

If I read correctly the page, compiling gdal with FileGDB needs the 
arcgis SDK. The license of this SDK doesn't allow us to distribute it at 
all. So no, we can't add the support built-in easily. A solution I could 
see would be to create a source package like we did for ECW/MrSID. The 
user install a package called libgdal-ecw-src, then install the 
appropriate SDK, then type gdal-build-ecw and a plugin is built and 
ready to use. However, creating a package like this need a certain 
amount of work. You can contact me if you are interested more about this 

Another solution for you would be to just have a development virtual 
machine to rebuild the debian package with the support. That machine 
would only provides the .deb files to other production machines.


On 12-06-19 04:39 AM, Seb R wrote:
> Hi,
> Thank you for the release of qgis for Precise.
> I have a question about the FileGDB API.
> Few month ago, I compiled myself gdal 1.9 to allow reading ARCGIS
> Geodatabase. It worked well.
> However, I cleaned up my laptop of all the dev packages I had to install
> to compile gdal and qgis.
> I prefer having a clean installation of qgis that update "alone" each
> time there is a new release or correction thanks to your UbuntuGIS ppa...
> Well, would it be possible for you to compile gdal with fgbd in a way it
> can read the FileGDB API file proposed by ArcGIS saved in the proper folder.
> Except if it is possible to include it in the .deb but I am not sure it is.
> http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/FileGDB
> Seb.
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Alan Boudreault

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