[ZOO-Discuss] The new workshop material available

Gérald Fenoy gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
Sun Nov 14 09:32:52 PST 2010

Hi everybody,
the material used during the FOSS4G in Tokyo and Osaka WorkShops this year is now freely available on the ZOO Project official web site [1].

I would like to thanks a lot the strong ZOO Project Japanese community for their help during those workshop and to provide the material in Japanese [2]. I would also thanks OSGeo Japan to make the ZOO Project workshop possible and to make that things happen !

A special thanks go to Hayashi-san which work on the Word material ([3], [4]) and took care of the whole translation process. Many many thanks for your help, support and management. I also want to congratulate Hayashi-san for his nomination and election as an OSGeo Charter Member this year !

The material was substantially modified. First of all we now use MapServer to serve WMS and WFS data rather than GeoServer which was used before. Thanks to Orkney which provide the Japanese dataset, MapServer (version 5.4.2, available on OSGeoLiveDVD 4.0.1 given to all participants of the last FOSS4G in Barcelona) was configured to server this local dataset. We also added some sections to focus on the new ZOO Kernel capabilities like the GetStatus process which can be used on the client side to know the current percentage of completion of a process running in background (so when user set the storeExecuteResponse parameter to true in his request). Indeed this functionality was developed some times ago and already presented on this mailing list before.

I hope that you will give us feedbacks about this new material and that this material will let you know more how to setup, use the ZOO Kernel and how to develop your own services using the simple examples provided in this new material.

Best regards,

[1] http://zoo-project.org/trac/wiki/ZooWorkshop/FOSS4GJapan
[2] http://zoo-project.org/trac/wiki/ZooWorkshop/FOSS4GJapan/ja
[3] http://zoo-project.org/trac/attachment/wiki/ZooWorkshop/FOSS4GJapan/ja/Practical%20introduction%20to%20ZOO%28jp%29.docx
[4] http://zoo-project.org/trac/attachment/wiki/ZooWorkshop/FOSS4GJapan/ja/Practical%20introduction%20to%20ZOO%28jp%29.pdf

Gérald Fenoy
gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
ZOO Tribe member
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