[OSGeo Africa] Data required - land ownership and ground water resources
chris at airphotoafrica.co.za
Thu Feb 7 01:20:26 PST 2013
Hi Aslam ,
Thank you for your mail -- I hope you have alternative employment lined
up ( OK I am kinda being facetious -- I am worried for what happens if
the MSM get a hold of this info -- apparently "whislte-blowers" are not
treated too kindly )
"State Land Audit"
Are you talking "State" as in the whole state of RSA
State as in state owned land ?
In a round about way you re-inforce my earlier rmail
An RFI ( Request for Information )
Come on
You have to be joking
It is Febrauary -- not April
Perhaps Nkandlaville is included in the audit ? ( What is it called
again -- Natioanl Security Key Point ? )
No offence to you boss -- what is going on in that nightmare that we call
On 7 Feb 2013 at 10:40, Aslam Parker wrote:
> Hi All
> The Office of the Chief Surveyor General has just done a comprehensive
> state land audit. This is very sensitive information, so I am not sure if
> they will release it to you. You can attempt to use the PAI Act to request
> it, but it might be classified.
> >>> Hanlie Pretorius <hanlie.pretorius at gmail.com> 2013/02/07 10:12 AM >>>
> Hi,
> Does anyone know where I can get data on which parts of SA is owned by the
> state, privately or communal?
> Also, is anyone aware of a country wide dataset of ground water
> availability? I've checked the Council for Geosciences web site, but
> didn't find anything there.
> I'm actually more interested in the rural areas for both datasets, but
> that would cover most of the country since I'm including densely populated
> rural areas such as the old homelands.
> Thanks
> Hanlie
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