[OSGeo Africa] Is a map a measuring product ?

Peter Newmarch newmarch at land-surveyors.com
Fri Nov 1 03:27:21 PDT 2013

Dear all,

Having recently commented on the Legal Metrology bill with regards 
measuring services, I am now applying my mind to a measuring product - 
Is a map a measuring product ? (you can certainly measure things off the 

Also what are your thoughts about that fact that any incorrect statement 
will be a crime - 10 years in jail. ?

If the map (which can be considered as a statement of reality), is 
incorrect in some way, then you would be criminally charged for this. - 
your thoughts ?

And lastly, if you import (presumably also download into the country) a 
measuring product, you will need to be licensed for this else you are 
committing a crime. In the case of say an infra red image - each pixel 
represents a certain measuring unit or quantity of something - It would 
be a measuring product ?

Your thoughts on this as we need to make sure that the geospatial 
industry gets the best deal it can get under this Bill.

Much appreciated if people can think about this and let me know their 



Peter Newmarch
Professional Land Surveyor
4Y GeoInformatics Pty Ltd
Tel       : +27 31 5642856
Fax       : +27 31 5643074
Mobile    : +27 82 5705859
eMail     : newmarch at land-surveyors.com

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