[Australia] chapter registration

Tim Bowden tim.bowden at westnet.com.au
Wed Jul 18 05:28:33 EDT 2007

On Wed, 2007-07-18 at 13:02 +1000, Bruce.Bannerman at dpi.vic.gov.au wrote:
> Tim, 
> We should look at engaging the CRC-Spatial Information on this as
> well. There are a number of tertiary institutions involved with the
> CRC. 


> However, before all of this gets started, we will need to sort out: 
> - just what the Australian Chapter of OSGeo is (if it exists). 

The problem here is registration.  To undertake any type of activity
with financial/legal risk (such as a conf), we need to be incorporated.
That's a state matter.  I've asked the Dept of Consumer and Employment
protection here in WA about that, and while they'll help with
incorporation in WA, they won't give out any advice with respect to
national bodies, except to say we may want to consider registration in
each state or through ASIC as a pty ltd company.  I've had conflicting
advice as to which way to go on this.  Until we get some solid advice as
to what legal liabilities we may be open for in operating in a state
other than what we are incorporated in, I don't think we can make a
decision on that one.  Chalk it up as another reason to abolish the
states (and no, that's not an invitation to a flame war!).

Perhaps as an interim, we could adopt rules likely to meet any
registration requirements and hope for the best.  I'll write some up
based on the model rules for registration in WA and OSGeo's guidelines,
then we can approach OSGeo about recognition of the chapter.

> - what are the 'rules of engagement'? 

Apart from registration requirements, there's OSGeo's guidelines for
chapters at http://www.osgeo.org/content/chapters/guidelines.html which
we made an attempt to answer some time ago here:

Guidelines for bidding for the conf are here:


> - are there enough interested members to support it (I've only seen
> posts from a couple of people). 
>   If we don't have the support on the ground, it may not be worth the
> effort to  establish a local chapter. 

Even if it's a bit slim at the moment, I think there's been enough
interest to forge ahead anyway.  Membership will grow.

> - the legal standing of the chapter. I wouldn't want to see too many
> decisions being made that would 
>   potentially leave individual members liable. 
> Sorry to play the wet blanket, but we need to get this right if we
> want it to succeed for the longer term. 
> I'd like to hear the thoughts from some of our other list members as
> well. Please don't be shy (I promise that I won't play Aunty Jack
>  ;-)  (for those old enough to remember)). 
> Bruce


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