[Australia] chapter registration

Bruce.Bannerman at dpi.vic.gov.au Bruce.Bannerman at dpi.vic.gov.au
Wed Jul 18 18:43:31 EDT 2007


> > 
> > However, before all of this gets started, we will need to sort out: 
> > 
> > - just what the Australian Chapter of OSGeo is (if it exists). 

> The problem here is registration.  To undertake any type of activity
> with financial/legal risk (such as a conf), we need to be incorporated.
> That's a state matter.  I've asked the Dept of Consumer and Employment
> protection here in WA about that, and while they'll help with
> incorporation in WA, they won't give out any advice with respect to
> national bodies, except to say we may want to consider registration in
> each state or through ASIC as a pty ltd company.  I've had conflicting
> advice as to which way to go on this.  Until we get some solid advice as
> to what legal liabilities we may be open for in operating in a state
> other than what we are incorporated in, I don't think we can make a
> decision on that one. 


I agree, if you check the ASIC Website (
http://www.search.asic.gov.au/gns001.html) you'll see that the Australian 
Computer Society for instance has only a national body that appears to be 
registered, however it has branches in each state.

I'd say that some legal advice is required. If we have any collegues in 
Brisbane, a former Australian chair of the ACS may still be practicing 
there as a lawyer specialising in IP from memory (at least he was around 
six years ago). Contact me off-line for his name if you want to follow 
this up.

Now, where do we find the money... 


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