[Geoinquiets Barcelona] Fwd: [Live-demo] Call to translate OSGeo-Live documentation
Carlos López PSIG
carlos.lopez a psig.es
dll feb 17 13:16:25 PST 2014
Hola Raf,
Jo conec algú a SoftCatalà, quina mena de col·laboració vols?
Jo vaig contactar amb ells per veure si m'ajudaven a trobar diners per
pagar-li a una traductora professional traduir el QGIS (programa, documents
i web) però no va resultar be,
Ara ajuda en suport puntual, resoldre dubtes, fer difusió a altres grups o
persones interessades, etc... el que vulguis!
* <http://www.psig.es> *
*Carlos López Quintanilla*
carlos.lopez a psig.es
+34 699.680.261
2014-02-17 22:05 GMT+01:00 Raf Roset <rafroset a gmail.com>:
> Una nova versió d'Osgeo per traduïr: en parlem dijous i coordinem esforços?
> Teniu algun contacte a Softcatalà per si poden/volenm col·laborar? Algun
> altre ens normalitzador que tingui interés a difondre el català en ambients
> tècnics?
> Raf
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter a gmail.com>
> Date: 2014-02-17 21:10 GMT+01:00
> Subject: Re: [Live-demo] Call to translate OSGeo-Live documentation
> To: Agustín Díez <adiez a uv.es>, David Mateos <porquewhich a hotmail.com>,
> Hernan Olivera <lholivera a gmail.com>, Javier Sánchez <jsgisdev a gmail.com>,
> Jesús Gómez <je_gomez a terra.es>, Jorge Arévalo <
> jorge.arevalo a deimos-space.com>, Jorge Sanz <jsanz a osgeo.org>, José
> Antonio Canalejo <jacanalejo a yahoo.es>, Mauricio Miranda <
> mmiranda a xoomcode.com>, Mauricio Pazos <mauricio.pazos a gmail.com>, Òscar
> Fonts <oscar.fonts a gmail.com>, Pedro-Juan Ferrer <pferrer a osgeo.org>,
> Roberto Antolín <rantolin.geo a gmail.com>, Samuel Mesa <
> samuelmesa a gmail.com>, Valenty González <vgonzalez a gvsig.com>, Lucía
> Sanjaime <llusancal a gmail.com>, Andrea Yanza <andreavyanzah a gmail.com>,
> Diego González <iberdiego a gmail.com>, Nacho Varela <nachouve a gmail.com>,
> Mario Andino <armra a hotmail.es>, Alessandro Furieri <a.furieri a lqt.it>,
> Anne Ghisla <a.ghisla a gmail.com>, Antonio Falciano <afalciano a yahoo.it>,
> Elena Mezzini <elena.mezzini a gmail.com>, Giuseppe Calamita <
> giu.calamita a gmail.com>, Luca Delucchi <lucadeluge a gmail.com>, Massimo Di
> Stefano <massimodisasha a gmail.com>, Marco Puppin <puppingeo a gmail.com>,
> Marco Curreli <marcocurreli a tiscali.it>, Margherita Di Leo <
> dileomargherita a gmail.com>, Pasquale Di Donato <
> pasquale.didonato a gmail.com>, Anna Zanchetta <ciupava a gmail.com>, Astrid
> Emde <astrid.emde a wheregroup.com>, Daniel Kastl <daniel a georepublic.de>,
> Dominik Helle <helle a omniscale.de>, Frank Gasdorf <
> fgdrf a users.sourceforge.net>, Lars Lingner <lars a lingner.eu>, Otto Dassau
> <dassau a gbd-consult.de>, Ruth Schoenbuchner <ruth.schoenbuchner a csgis.de>,
> Thomas Baschetti <info a thomas-baschetti.de>, Angelos Tzotsos <
> tzotsos a gmail.com>, Christos Iossifidis <chiossif a gmail.com>, Argyros
> Argyridis <arargyridis a gmail.com>, Aikaterini Kapsampeli <
> kapsamp a mail.ntua.gr>, Maria Vakalopoulou <mariavak8 a hotmail.com>,
> Haruyuki Seki <hal a georepublic.co.jp>, Nobusuke Iwasaki <wata909 a gmail.com>,
> Toshikazu Seto <tosseto a gmail.com>, Yoichi Kayama <yoichi.kayama a gmail.com>,
> Milena Nowotarska <do.milenki a gmail.com>, Damian Wojsław <
> damian a wojslaw.pl>, Xianfeng Song <song.osgeo a gmail.com>, Jing Wang <
> wangjing-2008-jing a 163.com>, Zhengfan Lin <"public t.lin"@gmail.com>, Bu
> Kun <bukun a live.cn>, Raf Roset <rafroset a gmail.com>, Anna Muñoz <
> a.munyoz.b a gmail.com>, Cristhian Pin <cpinperez a gmail.com>, Marc Torres <
> geoinquiet a gmail.com>, Assumpcio Termens <atermens a gmail.com>, Estela
> Llorente <estela.llorente a gmail.com>, Roger Veciana <rveciana a gmail.com>,
> Thomas Gratier <thomas.gratier a gmail.com>, Christophe Tufféry <
> c.tuffery a gmail.com>, Marc-André Barbeau <mbarbeau a mapgears.com>, Etienne
> Delay <etienne.delay a gmail.com>, Erika Pillu <erika.pillu a gmail.com>,
> Hyeyeong Choe <hychoe a ucdavis.edu>, Alexander Bruy <voltron a ua.fm>,
> Alexander Muriy <amuriy a gmail.com>, Alexey Ardyakov <ardjakov a rambler.ru>,
> Andrey Syrokomskiy <signmotion a gmail.com>, Anton Novichikhin <
> novi-mail a mail.ru>, Daria Svidzinska <d.svidzinska a gmail.com>, Denis
> Rykov <rykovd a gmail.com>, Dmitry Baryshnikov <polimax a mail.ru>, Evgeny
> Nikulin <nikulin.e a gmail.com>, Ilya Filippov <filip83pov a yandex.ru>,
> Grigory Rozhentsov <grozhentsov a gispro.ru>, Maxim Dubinin <
> sim a gis-lab.info>, Nadiia Gorash <Nadiia.gorash a gmail.com>, Pavel <
> pashtet51 a gmail.com>, Sergey Grachev <ergo a list.ru>, Vera <vera a probki.net>,
> Alexander Kleshnin <a.hast a mail.ru>, kuzkok <kuzkok a gmail.com>, José
> Santos <zpsantos1 a hotmail.com>, Muhammad Iqnaul Haq <iqnaulhaq a gmail.com>
> Hello OSGeo-Live translators,
> As per below, OSGeo-Live docs are ready for translation.
> On 18/02/2014 7:08 AM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> OSGeo-Live 7.9 Project Overviews and Quickstarts are mostly complete, and
> we are calling on help to translate these documents over the next 10 days,
> by 28 February 2014. Documentation updates since last release are
> relatively minor, mostly only updating version numbers.
> The translation details are linked from here:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc#Translate
> Basically:
> 1. Documents ready to translate are marked as "7.9final" in our status
> spreadsheet<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Al9zh8DjmU_RdGIzd0VLLTBpQVJuNVlHMlBWSDhKLXc#gid=13>
> .
> 2. Currency of translations is determined from subversion timestamps
> is kept here:
> http://adhoc.osgeo.osuosl.org/livedvd/translation_status.html
> 3. Process for translation is explained here:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Translate
> A list of fellow translators can be found here:
> http://adhoc.osgeo.osuosl.org/livedvd/docs/en/sponsors.html
> --
> Cameron Shorter,
> Software and Data Solutions Manager
> LISAsoft
> Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
> 26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009
> P +61 2 9009 5000, W www.lisasoft.com, F +61 2 9009 5099
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> otherwise disclose its contents to anyone. Please advise the sender of your
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> Live-demo mailing listLive-demo a lists.osgeo.orghttp://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/live-demohttp://live.osgeo.orghttp://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc
> --
> Cameron Shorter,
> Software and Data Solutions Manager
> LISAsoft
> Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
> 26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009
> P +61 2 9009 5000, W www.lisasoft.com, F +61 2 9009 5099
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> Barcelona a lists.osgeo.org
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