[Belgium] calls for papers and sponsors and web site [was: Re: Board press release: OSGeo-BE is an official local chapter - FINAL]

Maelle Vercauteren mavercau at ulb.ac.be
Fri Jul 24 07:11:11 PDT 2015

 As we got no news from Johan. Please find in attachement a first draft in
French wich Gaël will start to translate on Tuesday after your feedback.
May I kindly ask for your feedback at last Monday on July, 27.

Have a nice we,


2015-06-24 11:58 GMT+02:00 Moritz Lennert <moritzlennert at posteo.net>:

> On 24/06/15 09:14, Johan Van de Wauw wrote:
>> +1
>> And it reminds me I should get that call for papers out asap - I'll
>> try finishing it tonight.
> The same goes for the call for sponsors. However, I thought that the ideal
> would be to have a web site up and running that we can direct people to
> (and on which we can put the different calls in another form than the wiki).
> Where are we at for the web site ?
> Moritz
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