[Belgium] Creation of the osgeo.be logo

KRUWIALIS Gael gkruwialis at environnement.brussels
Thu Feb 4 02:43:12 PST 2016

And don't forget the fabulous belgian fries


De : Oliver May [mailto:oliver.may at dfc.be]
Envoyé : jeudi 4 février 2016 10:26
À : Maelle Vercauteren
Cc : belgium at lists.osgeo.org; board at foss4g.be; Quentin Rombaux
Objet : Re: [Belgium] Creation of the osgeo.be logo

Hi All,

I like the last set a lot, incorporating the apple/hat into the compass, but it needs some more integration. I mean it doesn't feel like a fully integrated logo yet, more a paste ontop of the osgeo logo (no offense).

Also I don't like the relief/shadows, a logo these days is slick and 2d, like the osgeo.org<http://osgeo.org> logo itself.

I do also like the idea of waffles.
Maybe good related question is:  are there other recognisable belgian things we could use? For example: manneken pis, beer, chocolates, horta, sax, our flag, outline of our country with regions, ...



2016-02-04 9:52 GMT+01:00 Maelle Vercauteren <mavercau at ulb.ac.be<mailto:mavercau at ulb.ac.be>>:
Hello all,

Last year before the FOSS4-be we tried in the rush to find a logo for our asbl OSGeo.be
and we really like the logo with the Atomium realized by Quentin Rombaux (in attachement) but it was refused (they claim copyright...)!

In attachment there is some passed suggestion by Quentin and he is agree to make other propositions :-)

Have you some ideas for making it looking"Belgian" ?
* The magritte hat,
* Manneken pis,
* Waffles,
* ?
Do you have other proposals ? Any preferences ?

We can perhaps make a contest during a few weeks and submit them to a vote ?

Thank you for your answer !


Coordinatrice du stage SIG Libres ARES

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Oliver May

DFC Software Engineering

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W: http://<http://goog_1066188553>www.dfc.be<http://www.dfc.be>

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Twitter: olivermay_be

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