[Benchmarking] Styling tiger_tracs

Smith, Michael ERDC-USACE-NH michael.smith at usace.army.mil
Thu Sep 3 10:25:39 EDT 2009


True. I was thinking about the standard OpenLayers case with a background. I
was just thinking about testing the alpha performance when using 24-bit


On 9/3/09  10:17 AM, "Andrea Aime" <aaime at opengeo.org> wrote:

> Smith, Michael ERDC-USACE-NH ha scritto:
>> Andrea,
>> How about a semitransparent fill? That is the kind of style commonly used
>> for these kind of administrative bounds.
>> Something like a 30% fill?
> We could do it... actually I think it's common only if you have a raster
> backdrop. If you just want to make a color lighter using transparency
> is a bad idea, it hinders performance as it requires alpha processing
> (I've seen this in practice more than one time, having people use
> transparency as a way to make color lighter instead of just making
> a solid lighter color).
> Cheers
> Andrea

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