[Benchmarking] Feedback and some activity, Please!

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at metaspatial.net
Sat Jun 29 02:27:17 PDT 2013

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On 06/28/2013 09:38 PM, Martin Daly wrote:
>> I asked for some advice from Jeff on how to get the benchmark 
>> rolling because I feel a bit left alone. If we want to avoid
>> being canceled out of the FOSS4G programm we need to get going.
>> Now. So can you please confirm that you will actively participate
>> in the FOSS4G Benchmark / Shootout? ... /s/'?'/'!'
>> I have prepared a Wiki landing place and would very much
>> appreciate if you would add your name, project/software and ideas
>> what we should do and how you can help: 
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Benchmarking_2013
>> Just to make things more dramatic there is now also a dead line
>> [1] next week Friday. If we don't have enough interest to
>> actively participate the event will be canceled.
> Sorry, I've been fighting the good fight elsewhere, and got behind
> on list emails.
> We're still in. I remain of the opinion that if you want it to be 
> relevant to the non-core part of the FOSS4G audience then it is 
> essential to use Ordnance Survey data in some form or other.
> Martin

I am with you on this, especially as we are in the UK. I am currently
organizing some staff help to prepare datasets. The AGIT conference
will keep me busy next week so more on this will start to come through
this list second week of July.

PLEASE keep other ideas coming and continue with parallel effort. I
would very much like to see a much more diverse approach to the
benchmarking effort including desktop platforms.

To the FOSS4G organizers:
I suggest we stick with 1h at the end of the conference to present
outcomes of the benchmark. I currently envisage a lightning talk style
cascade of quantitative and qualitative outcomes of out exercise. My
role would just be that of facilitator / moderator. Does this work for

Cheers & have a nice weekend,

- -- 
Arnulf Christl
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