[OSGeo-Board] Gordon Luckett's Membership

Gary Lang gary.lang at autodesk.com
Thu Mar 2 08:15:16 PST 2006

I wasn't saying that being part of the MG community was a problem, but merely expressing the interest in him that led to my vote.

I wasn't aware that he was a write-in. My apologies to the board. It's frankly very hard for me to keep track of our procedures as we develop them and announce them on the fly. We're moving fast.


-----Original Message-----
From:	Frank Warmerdam on behalf of Frank Warmerdam (External)
Sent:	Thu 3/2/2006 8:11 AM
To:	board at board.osgeo.org
Subject:	Re: [OSGeo-Board] Gordon Luckett's Membership

Gary Lang wrote:
> Maybe I missed something. I voted for him. We can take him out.
> He's an active MapGuide developer who is actively interested in working 
> with MGE. We now have 2 members from the MG community. If it's important 
> to remove 1 and reduce it to 1, that's fine.


The problem isn't that he is from the mapguide community.  The problem is
that he wasn't in the nomination list.  This raises the question of
whether votes for folks not on the nomination list are allowed.

I am ok with allowing them, but I wish I hadn't been blindsided by the issue.
But we (as a board) need to decide.  If you were all 5 votes for him,
then we could drop him based on your decision.

I also don't mind if we as a board agree that write-in's were ok.

best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGF, http://osgeo.org

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