[Board] 2012 FOSS4G

Tyler Mitchell tmitchell at osgeo.org
Fri Jul 1 11:05:57 PDT 2011

As you all probably heard from Jeff, there were no bids for the 2012 event from the non-EU/NorthAm regions.  
While there is the week extension for all countries to now bid, I'm still a bit concerned that there won't be significantly more interest.  

This isn't necessarily a fault in the process, but other potential bidders I spoke to expected it to be in the "planned" region so they didn't organise anything so far.  Add in another week, part of which is weekend, and I have trouble seeing much more coming in.

With this in mind, I'm continuing to prod those who I suspect will be interested - so far Brazil and India - but I'm not sure any of them will be ready enough to get a letter in.  I have several feelers out and can discuss details privately if interested.  Basically, I'm targeting some conference organising companies and institutions we already know in these areas.  I think there are some good opportunities to collaborate with other organisers who can connect with our local communities and help carry the burden similar to GITA helping this year.

Short of beating the bushes for ideas, we could also look at existing events and how we might partner with them.   If the interest in hosting 2012 doesn't increase, I believe we need to proactively seek out new opportunities .  Glad to discuss it further if needed.  I don't think we'll have this problem with 2013 if it ends up being in EU/NA.


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