[Board] Invitation to OSGeo to participate in LocationTech

Andrew Ross andrew.ross at eclipse.org
Wed Oct 3 14:01:33 PDT 2012

Hi Cameron,

In practice, a formal representative from OSGeo would participate in the 
working group sessions and discussions.

The links I provided provide a short summary of membership rights and 
privileges. The Eclipse Foundation bylaws 
(PDF) and LocationTech charter 
<http://www.eclipse.org/org/industry-workgroups/locationtech_charter.php> are 
the canonical pages with much detail.

Any individual designated by OSGeo can be the representative. The 
representative can be changed as needed. What you wrote sounds like any 
number of people and that's not right.

Hope this helps,


On 10/03/2012 04:17 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Andrew,
> Can you please expand on what such membership would mean in practice. 
> Is there a web page explaining what such membership entails?
> Does this membership provide an avenue for any individual to 
> participate in Locationtech by noting they are part of OSGeo (as OSGeo 
> accepts anyone offering to help OSGeo)?
> On 04/10/12 04:40, Andrew Ross wrote:
>> Thank you Frank.
>> That's right regarding formal representation for OSGeo at LocationTech.
>> And confirmed re: OSGeo wouldn't be a Steering Committee member for $0.
>> For what it's worth, OSGeo could be a Steering Committee member for 
>> $15K/year at any point.
>> Andrew
>> On 10/03/2012 02:13 PM, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
>>> Andrew,
>>> Thanks - I have added this to our agenda for the next board meeting at:
>>>    http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2012-10-11
>>> I gather to make this useful we would want to have one or more
>>> OSGeo representatives to join various LocationTech mailing lists
>>> to participate in discussions and act as a liason?  I gather we would
>>> be general members of the locationtech working group, but not
>>> voting members of the steering committee, right?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Frank
>>> On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 9:58 AM, Andrew Ross 
>>> <andrew.ross at eclipse.org> wrote:
>>>> Hi Everyone,
>>>> On behalf of the LocationTech Steering Committee, I would like to 
>>>> formally
>>>> invite OSGeo to participate in LocationTech. LocationTech's Steering
>>>> Committee unanimously agreed to invite OSGeo to participate without
>>>> membership dues. To do so, OSGeo would sign up as an Associate 
>>>> member of the
>>>> Eclipse Foundation ($0 for OSGeo) and Participating member of 
>>>> LocationTech
>>>> (also $0 due to the invitation).
>>>> OSGeo's involvement in this working group:
>>>> helps influence the working group's direction
>>>> provides a useful forum for OSGeo to engage companies
>>>> maintains close ties to help identify opportunities of mutual 
>>>> benefit &
>>>> collaboration
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Andrew
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